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Dog Acceptance Policy

Prior to any dog being accepted into Foxwood Farm Doggy Day care, the dog must undergo a preliminary evaluation (to be recorded on the dogs Admission Sheet) which shall include;


Health Evaluation

Dog Condition Score                      

see appendix 1

  • Eyes - ensure no discharge, note any cloudiness (e.g. in older dogs)

  • Ears                                         clean, no discharge or strong smell

  • Coat                                                       clean, free from obvious parasites, no skin redness

  • Teeth and gums                                free from swellings and infection

  • Age Considerations                         mobility, deafness etc.

  • Sterilisation                                        dogs must be sterilised if over the age of 6 months

  • Injury                                                    any current injury

  • Medication                                         any medication which will need to be administered during care (see animal health care policy)

  • Vaccinations                                       Current up to date vaccinations (see animal health care policy)

  • Parasite Control                                Current up to date Parasite Control (see animal health care policy)


Temperament Evaluation

Each dog shall be initially evaluated on temperament by a qualified staff member prior to acceptance. This will be undertaken in the owner’s presence and may include;

  • In depth discussion with owner in relation to dogs temperament history, characteristics, triggers and tendencies.

  • Using other dogs already known at the centre to be appropriate ‘temperament testers’, a suitably qualified staff member may take the dog for an on leash walk and explore the facilities, making controlled contact with other dogs to evaluate acceptance and reaction.

  • New dogs shall be given the opportunity to assimilate using the trial (introductory) enclosure where suitable companion dogs can be introduced prior to allowing them into the main play areas.


Any sign of aggression which is not suitable for a day care environment shall be discussed with the owner.



Foxwood Farm Doggy Day Care Management, reserve the right to exclude any dog from acceptance, and or terminate a Day Care agreement at any time, should a dog be deemed unsuitable due to Health and or Temperament evaluation.


Refusal of Admission

The Facility Manager has the right to refuse admission to any animal:

  • known or suspected to be suffering from an infectious disease.

  • that does not meet these Standards & Guidelines for Best Practice, particularly in relation to vaccinations.

  • where the animal owner’s requirements cannot be met by the Facility Manager or the animal owner refuses to accept reasonable additional charges for extra care requirements.

  • where the Facility Manager reasonably believes that the animal poses a risk to other animals and/or facility staff and that this risk is not able to be appropriately managed by the facility.

  • where the Facility Manager believes that it is not in the best interests of the facility to care for the animal.




• Individual ribs, spine and pelvis prominent and evident from a distance.

• Lack of muscle mass.

• Little or no body fat.

• Rump hollow.

• Waist prominent when viewed from above.

• Abdomen obviously tucked up.

• Neck thin.

• No fat on tail.

Dog cannot be accepted without Veterinary advice



• Ribs, spine and pelvis bones visible and easily felt.

• Little body fat.

• Neck thin.

• Abdomen tucked up.

• Little fat on tail.

• Obvious waist when viewed from above.

Discussion with owner in relation to feeding and worming – if dog does not improve, veterinary advice must be sought for continuation of care



• Ribs and spine can be felt, last few ribs may be visible.

• Dog should have a waist when viewed from above.

• Belly is tucked up when viewed from side.

• Good muscle mass.

• Rump well-muscled.

Dog Acceptable for Day Care



• Ribs and spine not visible but can be felt.

• Fat deposit on tail.

• Little or no waist when viewed from above, rounded appearance, back appears broadened.

• Dog squarish along back line when viewed from side.

• Abdomen not tucked up, may appear rounded underneath.

Discussion with owner in relation to reducing feeding and increasing exercise



• Ribs and spine not visible and difficult to feel.

• Tail has obvious fat deposit.

• No waist and back broadened when viewed from above.

• Belly obviously rounded and possibly distended.

• Dog square or rounded up along back line when viewed from side.


Dog cannot be accepted without Veterinary advice

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